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Our story

The Aceto Family

The Aceto Family has been working in the field of lemon growing and its transformation for four generations, and precisely since 1825, when the closest ancestor, Salvatore Aceto started his activity as a producer and merchant of the precious citrus fruit by purchasing a small piece of land. From here everything began…


The Quality Certification and the Consortium, we’re still relevant actors

In the ’60s other fields were purchased , the most important one is located in the “Valle dei Mulini” in Amalfi, able to produce about 800 quintals of lemons per year, and from which the brand name comes. In the 80’s Luigi Aceto founded the Cooperativa Amalfitana Trasformazione Agrumi, one of the very first companies to produce and sell the Limoncello Amalfi Coast PGI., and among other things the promoter of the PGI itself (as per Ministerial Decree Mipaf of 20/03/2000 and EEC Regulation No. 1366/2001 of 04/07/2001) and a key player in the establishment of the Consortium for the Safeguarding of the Amalfi Lemon PGI, of which the first president was Marco Aceto, until 2012, in continuity with the family tradition.


Today and tomorrow, we believe in our territory

Starting from 2012, the Aceto family has created the current company AMALFI LEMON TRADING s.r.l. The company keeps faith with its origins by remaining constantly active in the promotion a safeguarding of the territory and its main raw material, the Lemon, promoting various functional activities and proposing visits (educational & experience tour) in the company and in the cultivated areas, as well as having established a Museum of Peasant Civilization, Art and Crafts, located in rooms adjacent to the processing facility, full of tools representative of the history of the rural world and local craftsmanship.
